Steven Vigil Chess
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Meet Steven: a local school chess teacher, private chess coach, and Senior USCF tournament director.

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My mission is to ensure my students have a positive experience, so they associate chess as something fun and good for their minds.
— Steven Vigil

Private Chess Coaching

Steven is available for private chess lessons by appointment. Schedule a one-on-one or group lesson, either in person or online!

Chess is about considering the consequences of our decisions before we make them. It’s also about living with our mistakes, which are not failures, but opportunities for learning and growth.
— Steven Vigil

After School Chess Club

Steven teaches after school chess at several public and private schools in the Central Florida area.



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As in life, there is no perfection in chess but rather the constant ability to improve, grow, learn and even discover something new.
— Steven Vigil


Steven is a Senior USCF Tournament Director and offers his TD experience in rated chess tournaments, from small scholastic events to large weekend hotel tournaments, and is available to direct chess tournaments for your organization.